This was the only motorised cart I saw at Bendigo this year and the organisers would only have allowed it because the owner had one prosthetic leg . I can't remember the details of the prime mover but you can see the rear slicks and that the trailer is single axle , what a shame they banned these rigs as they contributed to the feel of the meeting so much .
This guy's in a hurry , basic format is a dragster typerfied by large slicks at rear, narrow disc wheels on the front , curious transverse front suspension, T model Ford style and using non stressed mild steel body [ this could lead to failure at extreme speed ] His treasure is a 1950's style radio and some other junk I can't make out .
The most common type of buggie [bag trollie BT ], this one with folding frame finished in red oxide primer [rarely seen these days ] and inflateable tyres ,its got that home made look to it .Note the tub is the type bought at K mart or others ,as in the past the Sherrif has been patroling the swaps policing the theft of milk crates. I'd like a commission for every record collection that is stored in a milk crate
This is a blast from the past , not a purpose made ,swap meet buggie {SWB] at all but is in fact a trailer designed to attach to the carrier of a push bike .
Main construction packing case tray, pram wheels on pram axle and 1/2 inch GWIP drawbar / handle note tray is a stressed member , this unit would be hard work in the loose granitic sand that had been spread over much of the grounds .Looks like he's scored a second WW gerry can and is hiding more stuff under a briquette bag ...
wonder what it is ?
Another variation of the BT with a different tray , stackable with slots mouled into the sides , perhaps pinched from a greengrocer or a fishmonger .This guy has hooked his backpack on the SWB and is towing rather than pushing, a risky practice as treasure could be borrowed and not returned
The white paper rectangle displays the price $ 2500.00
A Tardis [ T ] best way ever to get the parts home
Recycling at its best ,the tips are full of bike parts and these big wheels are just the ticket for soft sand and pot holes
Another BT based cart using a cherry barrel for the tub QD provided by baler twine ligatures and occa strap hold down . This unit is eco friendly [ EF ]and will contain oil spills from gearboxes bottom ends and primary drives .
The writing is on the wall and soon all SWB's will have to be certified as EF
BT fitted with sturdy home made tray looks like seat height , interesting box, nine out of ten blokes would have the tray side boards horizontal rather than vertical .This is the only SWB that had a lid .
A veritable work of art.... rickshaw standing on rear end , this was parked and although I waited some time did not get a dynanic shot .Note push bike wheels and red and green trim this could indicate traditional Chinese colours or the with Christmas so close the colours of holly
Thinking laterally , double decker stock crate four wheel unit ,small esky on the bottom in the shade all the junk up top .Lets not kid ourselves this is a laundry cart and would never take the weight of say a GoldWing side cover ,this bloke needs to go back to the shed and take a good look at himself
Note far left Stolen Milk Crate SMC grey plastic property of Polar Milk Company
The low volume of this cart will limit this guy's shopping
This one reminds me of my tool box not sure if you would push this unit or pull it
There you have it ! now you are armed with the design variation and lots background, so get out in that shed get down to the tip" keep your eyes wide the chance won't come again " grab the bits and get welding, Ballarat Swap last weekend in February and don't think you'll get a SWB up and running before Christmas .I want to see more original Stuff out there here's some pearls for free.
Stop lights Radio Sunshades number plates EPIRB suspension brakes
Next post Deane rotary valve prototype fitted to a 16H bottom end and mounted in garden gate norton frame this post will not be a joke
Steve, what a great post - absolutely loved it! It is a shame that those motorised buggys are not part of the scene now. I think that getting stuff to your vehicle at Ballarat would be even more difficult due to the size of the joint.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback Jules , I really have no idea if others will find this stuff amusing ,the blogspot has a provision to record reactions as funny,interesting or cool but few people use it wordpress does not have this function .