time in the beautiful environment of Central Victoria . Here's some pics and a bit of comment .
M20 Beeza and owner , this guy rides his M20 from Mt Gambier to Newstead every year , the idea of the rally is to actually ride and camp , we generally cheat and trailer the bikes up and do the ride over to Maldon trailering the bikes allows us to enjoy a few creature comforts like bedding and food .But I do admire these blokes for their commitment and endurance .
First in best dressed , our campsite comes with under cover parking for our bikes .
" Its a beautiful day..... don't let it slip away " ......I didn't
Post war Norton single, might be Mod 18 19 or Es2 my next project will be similar to this machine but will have a high level exhaust .
Historic Maldon ,over run with British Motorcycles and their owners for the day , literally millions of dollars worth of bikes, I saw four Vincents, one for sale at $ 50,000
Pic of Mrs Tarsnakes Andy and I in the queue outside the Maldon bakery
pic courtesy of . tarsnakes .com